Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

  Thanksgiving was a wonderful time with family.  We were with both sides of our families this holiday.  It was fun.  The older I get, the more precious the holidays have become.  I know that our days are numbered and I want to make the best of them.  Sometimes I miss the important moments.  I look forward to the next ones that come along.  Can't do anything about yesterdays, but learn from them. 
  We spent Thanksgiving day with my Mom's side of the family.  Enjoyed time eating, making crafts with kiddos and playing games.  It was a wet Thanksgiving, but a good one.  Missed those who couldn't be there.  We will see them soon. 


   We had a lot of fun!  Just look at all the smiling faces.  Sorry about the blurry ones.  The battery was going dead on my camera.  And guess who forgot batteries.  Grrrrr!  Oh well!  :) 
 We also spent time with my sweetheart's family.  It was an equally wonderful time (sorry no pictures--forgot the camera!).  Spent some time playing with nieces and nephews and talking with precious brothers, sisters, and my Momma-in-law.  I did tire out and the enemy began to work on me.  He lost in the end, because God helped me come up with a plan for future holidays with lots of happenings.  Will need to share that on another blog!
  The day after Thanksgiving we did not follow the trend of the day by shopping til we dropped.  We decided to stay home.  Remember that pesky project that did not get completed a week ago... The terribly horrendous blanket closet!  Yep, that is what we tackled on Friday.  It was a daunting task!  YUK!  The only way that I knew it would be completed was to change it's location.  So I asked my boys Skiddy and Peanut to bring everything down from the blanket closet into the living room.  Everything!  In order to get clothes switched from summer to winter I had them bring their drawers down as well.  The result:

 After working all day long, up and down the stairs, loading drawers, bagging clothes to give away and putting drawers and baskets back in place, it was completed.


One child was completely exhausted!
One child happy it was done.  And two children no where to be found!  lol

Friday afternoon and evening, we enjoyed the company of more family--my Daddy and his beautiful bride, my sister and her crew.  Some were unable to come due to the miles that separate.  Some were unable to come because of previous engagements.  Some were unable to come because of sick children and work.  Oh and one was out deer hunting!  :)  We had some yummy food:  turkey biscuit stew and cheesy chicken chowder were the main courses.  We enjoyed cherry rose rolls and sourdough rolls, pumpkin pie and cherry pie.  The day was fun with lots of laughter and an impromptu water bottle fight!  Crazy, but fun!  We finished out the family time with a game of Phase 10. 

The holiday was a good one with lots of memories for my children to enjoy remembering and sharing with their friends.  I am so grateful for all of my family!  Each one of them is unique and wonderful in their own way.  So glad that God has blessed me with such neat people to share this life. 
  For those who have lost family members or have struggled through this holiday, I pray that God will bring you peace and hope for the days to come.  We lost my sweetie's Daddy this year and the holidays have been a little more difficult with him not here.  So I feel your pain and know that God is a God of comfort and peace.  I pray that you will find this to be true in your life as well. 
  Well, it's late and I have rambled on enough for one night!  Have a wonderful week my friends and may God bless you.  

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good writer. Love hearing about your family and your activities. You sure bring it to life.
