Monday, November 15, 2010

The Conquering!

I had some tasks today that just had to be conquered!  They were driving me crazy.  So the kiddos worked on their seatwork today and I conquered some monsters!  The first one was Mount Washmore!  The most overwhelming despicable creature of all!  He is one of those monsters that continually rear it's ugly head.  Starting small at first and then becoming huge!!!!!
One thing I have learned from the teachings of the FlyLady is:  take it one step at a time and you can conquer any task!  So after listening closely for the dryer to buzz it's buzzy buzz to tell me it was done, I would run upstairs and change out the laundry.  Unload dryer into basket standing by, load wet laundry into dryer and start it, and load the washer with dirty laundry.  The final step to this task was to fold the laundry and put it into the baskets for each family member.  Fifteen minutes tops!  After a full days worth...
The task is completed.  Well, almost completed... I have a load in the dryer and in the wash that I need to move over.  It will be done before I go to bed!  I also worked on another task that needed to be done today.  The refrigerator...  We had a few things in there that were quickly turning into science experiments.  I don't know about you, but I try not to keep too many science experiments going at once in my fridge if you know what I mean!  So after pitching and wiping and pitching and wiping....
The task is complete!  Now I need to go shopping!  A family of 6 cannot live on this all week!  I am so glad that I have 2 freezers that I can dig out of!  Thank you Lord.  I did not accomplish one of the most horrendous tasks of all in my home today.  I had intended to do it in 15 minute segments, but chose not to today!  The most horrendous task of all in my home is starting to take over my upstairs......
It no longer stays in the confines of the closet, it is pushing out into the hallway! 
Run!!!!! Run for your lives!    Ok, Ok, it's not that bad, but it has got to be done and quick!  My sweet Princess can't get to her room without tripping over boxes or clothes or toys!  I have been so overwhelmed by this task that it has sat this way for a month I think.  I know, it's awful!  I have just allowed other things to yell louder.  It has got to be done, though!   So sometime this week I will have updated photes of the dreaded Blanket Closet Monster conquered and subdued!  You shall be my accountability partners!  No excuse now! This week...!!!!  Until then, I better get off of here and get that laundry finished up!  This blogging thing is way too much fun!  I hope I get better putting the picture in the right places.  That was difficult!  As Tigger would say "TTFN!" and God bless you!  


  1. Great job tackling those monsters! I've got a few of my own I need to work on. :-)

  2. You are so funny! Fun isn't it being a mom and a wife. Great allegory to reality.
    Enjoyed it!
