Friday, November 12, 2010

What Matters?

I tiptoed to the bathroom this morning, trying not to wake anyone so that I could have a few more moments in my warm bed.  What do I hear as I finish up in the bathroom but a binder being opened and shut.  Oh man!  Someone is up.  I know who it is, Peanut.  He is getting his papers out for school this morning, because I didn't get them out last night.  Instead of being excited about his desire to complete his school work early, I begin to grumble at the fact that I don't get to go back to bed.  Grrr...  Then a thought came to me, a thought that has been coming back to me at different times this week "don't get stressed out, this is just something we do until Jesus comes back".   I don't think I have taken into account that Jesus is coming back and time with him is quickly approaching.  This brought into perspective my attitude.  Sometimes I get all stressed out about getting this or that done, being at a certain place, teaching my children, being the proper wife.... I get stressed out about a lot of things.  I want to do right and be called God's good and faithful servant.  I think though that I get caught up in the work of things and don't check my heart and my attitude.  I can do the work, but if my attitude stinks while I work, I might as well not do the work.  It's just wasted effort.  I also have to wonder when I have a wrong attitude about things, am I pointing people to my Lord and Savior whom I love so dearly?  Am I being Christlike, when I am all worked up about getting done what I think needs to be done ignoring my children's questions?  Am I being Christlike as we go over a bible verse for memory and growl at the kids because they aren't paying attention?
Well, thank you for listening to my ramblings.  I am going to work on really focusing on the things that matter.  The hearts of my husband and children matter.  Being a friend to those that need one matters.  Reaching out to the hurting matters.  People matter.  Jesus loves us and died for us.  That matters!  I want people to know that they matter to me, just as they matter to Jesus.  God loves you all and wants to have a real intimate relationship with you.  I pray that you feel his nearness to you today!  I am going to go play a game with Peanut now!  :)

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